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There has been a dramatic growth in the number of people studying at universities in the last few decades. While some people see this as a positive trend which raises the general level of education within the community, others fear that it is lowering the quality of education. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the increase in student numbers at university?
The number of students have increased dramatically in tertiary education institutes over the last century. Some people argue that it has improved the education level among communities, while others believe that it has negatively affected education quality. This essay will discuss both positive and negative aspects of this trend.

Undoubtedly, sudden rise in the number of pupils entering universities have numerous positive impacts. One major advantage is the production of more highly skilled entrepreneurs and professionals in a plethora of fields, which, consequently, will increase man force required for a country's economic and social development. For example, in the modern era, more Doctors and Engineers are being trained in specialised institutions which will definitely improve healthcare system and infrastructure.The creation of healthy competitive environment would be an added advantage as competitiveness encourages students to master their subjects and secure valuable positions in public and private sectors of society to serve the country. Therefore, more students in a university reflects a more productive population.

On the other hand, number of drawbacks are associated with an increase in the count of students in universities. Firstly, more people graduating from institutes means less availability of job opportunities in the employment sector. In other words, the availability of candidates per vacancy advertised in a newspaper or advert would increase at an alarming rate. Thus, it would exert negative strain on a country's economy by rendering more educated individuals jobless. Secondly, the quality of overall education would be compromised as number of pupils per class would increase thereby, hindering professors to cater the personalised needs of every student and diminishing subject quality.The Presence of less students in classroom would ensure better subject knowledge and understanding.

In conclusion, despite having negative aspects such as employment competition and reduced education standards, an increased figure of students studying at a university level is highly beneficial in terms of generating more educated professionals as well as promoting healthy competition among educated humans, hence it is a positive trend. 

People today are able to take out loans from the bank or get a credit card very easily. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this practice?

It has now become very convinient for us to take loans from the banks or to avail a credit card facility. It is sometimes very beneficial for the people, but It also has some disadvantages.

Main advantage of having a credit facility from the banks is that we get an easy access to the cash in case of an emergency. Sometimes we fall short of cash after doing a huge expense, and if there is an urgent need of money, we can contact our bankers to lend some money. In this way, we can use solve the financial liquidity position. Secondly, we do not need to carry a colossal amount of cash in our pockets if we have a credit card. We just carry a small plastic card, and we can use it in any shopping mall to make some purchases. The rate of cash bulgalaries also have reduced with the help of this technology.

However, there are also some disadvantages of having an increased reliance on loans. Firstly, we always have to pay an interest when we take a loan, and it keeps on compounding if we do not repay it to the banks before the due dates. Secondly, we become used to in availing loans due to having an easy access to the credit cards facilities. This increase our financial libality in the long run which could lead us to bankrupcy if we do not pay off the debt.

In conclusion, although loans help us to manages our expense if we do not have a cash, but there would be some bad consequences of taking loans such as increased interest cost and increased burden of financial libalities.

My comments: Part One - Examining the question, and technical difficulties.

First & grammarly say: Ooo... lots of underlined stuff.

The video explanation continues....

Oh, this what all the meowing was about. Dinner!  


 Student misses a couple key words there.

I was helping the author of this essay via email and he just stopped writing me... as there are so few examples of the GT Advantages/Disadvantages type of essay at the Temple, I thought it would be helpful to the students at large to see n example of someone whose English level is quite good, but is stuck at a 6.5 in writing - because he followed the rules.

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