Saturday, July 6, 2019

The 9/6.5 Club - Why You Shouldn't Be Trying to get a Band 7 in Writing

I'm only talking to some of you right now. 

If you've taken the IELTS before and received  8.5's or 9's in the receptive skills (reading & listening), an ok score in speaking (7+) and a 6 or 6.5 in writing, you're in the 9/6.5 Club.

If you've posted your extremely disappointing results on Facebook and been inundated with CONGRATULATIONS! and requests for "tips" in reading and listening, you're in the 9/6.5 Club.

If you followed the advice of tutors who proscribed a particular structure that you should always use, one that was supposed to get you a 7 and it didn't, you're in the club. 

If you're getting 9's in some skills, an 8 overall and simply don't understand why you're stuck at a 6.5, welcome. 

You really don't have the same problems that your peers do. In part, your problem is that you know TOO MUCH English and are trying to use as much of it as you can. Another part of your problem is the same that half of all native-speaker university freshmen face when they enter tertiary education: they don't know how to write a simple essay. 

If your name is Pankaj and you live in Delhi (or New Delhi), it's now Project Pankaj PLUS... 

We'll start with Mr Gaharwal, whose recent writing score went DOWN from his previous test. 

That can't feel good. I sort of run out of steam and start falling asleep at the end of my commentary. I hope you get something from this and I'm open to any additional questions you may have. Gotta get in the shower and off to work. Got some English to teach.

As I note in the video, this question SHOULD HAVE included the line "and give your own opinion". It didn't. Use better sources.

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