Saturday, October 5, 2019

Too Busy With Work Assignments, RL Teaching and your Ukulele to Speak the Word of IELTS?

At work, I've started up a company website, designed new recognition programs for our best students, overseen losts of changes and problems, but...

It's been the ukulele more than anything else that's then taking up my time. I love playing music , and I've got some new toys to help me process these weird numbers I come up with. Consequently, I haven't been doing much volunteer essay correction. It's sort of low on my list of personal priorities right now.

What is this blasphemy he speaks? Brother Joko, the faithful still call your name at the tips and tricks group. Even if you haven't responded in weeks they are desperate and need someone to help them.

I wish there was some way to screen the group for financial need. I mean people get paid... my friends get paid money to do the kind of feedback I provide for free.  I should say have been providing for free. Haven't been doing much of it lately.  The group was set up to help those who didn't have access to paid teachers or truly couldn't afford it, but I wonder sometimes if those who fervently seek out the free help aren't doing so because they're miserly as opposed to having no other choice.

So be it.

I have got a couple new ones.

Here's one from about a week ago looking at an essay answering the infamous 'accepting a bad situation' question from Cambridge 14. Let's think of some random name...Raj Kumar.

And a couple days later, for no other reason than the writer is from Brazil, and I've never read a Brazilian here's one on another official difficult Cambridge question, this one regarding the benefits to public health of sports facilities..


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