Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Writing Task 2 - Random Question Picker

There's only one "real" authentic source for actual examples of past test questions on the IELTS test: The Official Cambridge Test Papers, Books 1 to 13.

It is rumored  that Question Types exist in the archives of the Oldest Books, Testaments 1-5, which are no longer being used,  and using them wouldn't be very effective practice. That leaves 7 tomes with four Task 2 questions to practice.

What to do when you've run out? Use blasphemous un-official materials? Oh so often their questions sound like the word of IELTS, but are missing a key word here or there in the wording of the T in TR, thus tainting it.
Topics that you'd never find under the roof of the trinity's test center creep in. Lots of false prophets out there!

Another problem is that if you're perusing a list of topics and questions, it's only human nature that you'll choose one that sounds interesting, easy or on a topic you know a lot about.

That won't happen in the real IELTS test, so it's not authentic test settings.

What you need is a reputable teacher to give you your task and say here! Do this one!  For example, you could join my in-person classes at EDULINK in Yangon, Myanmar.

A bit of a commute? 

Here's a simple gadget for picking one of 100 outstanding Task 2-type questions. These questions were written by Shelly Cormick, a professional test developer and IELTS guru extraodinaire! Her videos at MyIELTSclassroom.com are so well made, informative and keep you watching (and learning) with their engaging style. Her blogs at http://blog.myieltsclassroom.com/ tell it like it is.

Click "Generate" to get a random number 1 to 100.

Consult the chart , THEN CLICK BELOW 🔻

100 IELTS Essay Topics for IELTS Writing

Question Type
Shelly’s Numbers
Your Number
Discuss Both Sides and Give your Own Opinion
1 - 20
1 – 20
To What Extent Do you Agree or Disagree
Best Way Agree/Disagree
Cause / Problem / Solution
Advantages and Disadvantages
1-5 / 1-5
Positive or Negative Development
Direct Question
Two Part Questions

100 IELTS Essay Topics for IELTS Writing

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