Sunday, September 22, 2019

Project Pankaj Comes to a Successful Conclusion... For this Pankaj.

One thing I have as a professional IELTS instructor: job security. Well, the bulk of my hours in paid employment these days is going towards the management side, not teaching, but even then, I can say with certainty that there will never be a shortage of people who need help with the IELTS test.

For this fine young man, who inspired the name 'Project Pankaj', his journey with IELTS prep is at an end...

I still want to go in there and note, "fellow memberS"..plurals error. "Yesterday," needs a comma. The phrase is "God's grace" and you should capitalize God. You forgot "I".

No matter. He's made it. It took two attempts since I started tutoring him, but he made it eventually.

He got so many reviews, he ended up with his own channel on my YouTube Channel. Well, I'm glad I could help in any way I could.

I mentioned it took two attempts to get him over the that 7.0 wall. It was on the night we learned that he'd got another 6.5 in writing... 8th August, that I gave feedback to this essay for guy I mistakenly called "Norman".  It didn't end up here at the Temple.

It just happens that Noman got his results back today. And again my FB profile is flooded with friend requests.

Congratulations, Noman!  Thanks for the appreciation. 

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