Monday, June 24, 2019

The Rare Direct Question Essay! And the Even Rarer Goal of Band 9!

You don't see it very often.

Gender equality?

No, not that!

A very rare type of Task 2 question. They are called "direct questions". Sometimes, direct questions are paired with another type of question, such as a best way or advantage/disadvantage, to create a two part question.  It is rare that you see them all by themselves.

Now, you'd think that it would be pretty easy to understand a direct question and what it meant. However, you still need to understand the individual words and their significance.  So in that regard, they are just as easily misunderstood as any other type of question.

Take this one for example: "Women and men are commonly seen as having different strengths and weaknesses. Is it right to exclude males or females from certain professions because of their gender?"

When I saw that question combined with what seemed like a somewhat be a mistake "My goal is Band nine", I had to take a read and give my opinion.

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