Monday, June 17, 2019

Think of Your IELTS Writing Task 2 as a Song

Are you familiar with a Venn Diagram? It shows how groups of particular characteristics overlap each other. When I made this video, I thought that the idea that Task 2 was like a song was the most brilliant thing I’d thought up in weeks. When in reality, I understand my target audience was more like this->

Think about it. An IELTS essay is made up of paragraphs, each of which should have a particular purpose and message; a song is constructed in verses which serve the same role. 

To score highly in Task Response, an IELTS essay needs to express a clear position throughout. Similarly, a song often returns to a chorus which represents the ‘position’ of the song.

For either a song or an essay to be considered ‘good’, it needs precision in its vocabulary/notes (LR), a sense of rhythm, flow, logical progression and connectivity (CC), and a relevant overall message that is presented with clearly understandable support (TR).  As for grammar, I just called that the same as singing. The reason would take me too long to explain. 

Now, in video, I mention that it was inspired by reading the blog of a particular person, and that I felt that this person was letting what they'd learned about how to structure an IELTS essay interfere with what she was trying to say.

My full review of that essay coming next.

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