Thursday, June 20, 2019

The Task Two Blues - Joko Sings the "Almost got an 8 in TR Blues"

Okay, this was one my weirdest ideas yet. It started with a realization I had about the structure of an IELTS Task 2 essay and how most modern songs are structured.

The first line of a verse is like the topic sentence of a paragraph. Each subsequent line of the verse plays a roll just as the sentences do in an essay. The whole thing is held together by a theme - the equivalent of the clear position throughout called for in band descriptors.

Put that those ideas through my head enough times and you end up with this.

 Be glad I don't sing all my essay corrections!

The essay itself was posted up there in the submit your essay tab near the top of the page. It's from Faizan, who also wrote the essay about too much choice recently.

There's a second video where I actually correct the original.

As I said in the video, this essay is quite good. There are few grammar errors, there's excellent cohesion, the words are chosen precisely with good examples of collocation.

My problem comes from the following line in the Holy Band Descriptors, from the Book of Task Response, Chapter 8:2 - 
"presents a well-developed response to the question ".  

In my mind, an essay that doesn't address the very big white elephant in the room- Where Is the Money to Pay for Everyone Going to Come From?" - that essay is not a well-developed response. Yes, educations should be free.  Food too. City buses. Lots of things. But who pays for it all?

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